Ordering Food Dialogue Example

Ordering Food Dialogue Example

  • Good evening, sir. All of you are welcome to our restaurant!
  • Hi, do you have a table for five?
  • Yes sir. Come this way, please.
  • Thank you.
  • First of all, would you like to eat or drink something? What do you want, sir?
  • Can I have a glass of water please?
  • Of course, sir. So what do you want, sir?
  • I think I’ll buy a glass of lemonade.
  • Would you like me to bring something aparetif just before the main meal?)
  • Yes, let’s take turkey and some salad.
  • Besides, which kinds of sauces do you want?
  • Just hot sauce, please. Thank you.
  • You’re welcome. When ready to order please press the button?
  • I’ll buy chicken in the oven and some soup with it
  • So what do you want as a side dish and salad?
  • Potatoes and greens in the pan, please.
  • Great, what do you want, sir?
  • I would like a steak with ranch sauce and cola.
  • How would you like steaks to be cooked? Little or much?
  • Please keep it moderate and warm.
  • Yes, sir. I bring your order in a short time.
  • Thank you so much.
  • You’re welcome sir.
  • May I have a wet wipe with the account, please?)
  • Of course, sir, I bring it to you immediately. Would you pay in cash or by credit card?
  • I will pay by credit card.
  • Yes, sir. The fee is $ 200. Thank you very much for visiting us. We hope you come again. Good evening.


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