Classroom Language

Classroom Language

In our daily lives, there are speech languages ​​that are formed according to the place and the people. For example, you cannot talk to a teacher as you do to a friend, and you cannot talk to a friend as you do to a teacher. There is also a stereotyped class language.

Here are some phrases about classroom language;

Good morning
  • Good morning, everybody.
  • Good afternoon, everybody.
  • Hello, everyone.


How are you?
  • How are you today?
  • How are you getting on?
  • How’s life?
  • Are you feeling better today, Sam?


Time to begin

  • Let’s begin our lesson now.
  • Is everybody ready to start?
  • I think we can start now.
  • Now we can get down to work.


Waiting to start
  • I’m waiting for you to be quiet.
  • We won’t start until everyone is quiet.
  • Stop talking and be quiet.
  • Settle down now so we can start.


Put your things away
  • Close your books.
  • Put your books away.
  • Pack your things away.


  • Who is absent today?
  • Who isn’t here today?
  • Why were you absent last Friday?


  • Where have you been?
  • We started ten minutes ago. What have you been doing?
  • Did you miss your bus?
  • Did you oversleep?
  • Don’t let it happen again.


Wait a minute
  • Hang on a moment.
  • Just hold on a moment.
  • Stay where you are for a moment.
  • Just a moment, please.
  • One more thing before you go.
  • Back to your places.


  • This is your homework for tonight.
  • Prepare the next chapter for Monday.
  • There is no homework today.
  • Remember your homework.
  • Take a worksheet as you leave.


  • Goodbye, everyone.
  • See you again next Wednesday.
  • See you tomorrow afternoon.
  • See you in room 7 after the break.
  • Have a good holiday.
  • Enjoy your vacation.


Giving instructions
  • Open your books at page 52.
  • Come out and write it on the board.
  • Listen to the tape, please.
  • Get into groups of four.
  • Finish off this song at home.
  • Let’s sing a song.
  • Everybody, please.
  • All together now.
  • The whole class, please.
  • I want you all to join in.
  • Could you try the next one?
  • I would like you to write this down.
  • Would you mind switching the lights on?
  • Who would like to read?
  • Which topic will your group report on?
  • Do you want to answer question 3?


Other General English Phrases For Using Classroom

  • What page are we on?
  • I am ready. May I start it?
  • Can I go out?
  • Can I answer the question?
  • Can I switch off the lights?
  • Teacher, please can you repeat again?
  • Can I open the window?
  • Can we pack our things now?
  • May I join the class/group?
  • What is the homework?
  • Do we have to write this down?
  • Sorry, for being late.
  • May I open / close the window?
  • Can I go to the board?
  • Can I come in?
  • Can you explain it once more, please?
  • May I go out please?
  • Is this right?
  • Is this correct?
  • I am sorry. I did not hear.
  • Can you speak louder, please?
  • Which book?
  • Can you explain that again?
  • Whe is the exam?
  • When is the homework for?
  • I have done this.
  • Can I go to the toilet?
  • Can I pull up the blinds?
  • Can I pulldown the blinds?
  • Can you help me, please?


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